
Request for volunteers

Request for volunteers in Jadugoda

message from Shriprakah
Jharkhandi’s Organisation Against Radiation

We are seeking volunteers in Jadugoda, who are looking forward to integrate their knowledge with their quest for practical reality. Jadugoda, Jharkhand (India) has had Uranium mining for past 30 years that led to serious ecological and health problems, consequently followed by social and economic problems among the local Adivasi populations. An organization Jharkhandi Organization Against Radiation(JOAR) has fought over the years to assert the rights of the people and has come a long way. The organization has enabled scientific and health studies by Independent organizations such as Sanghmitra, IDPD (Indian doctor for peace and development – sister organization of IPPNW- international physician for prevention of nuclear war- noble peace prize winner 1984) and Pr. Koide of Kyoto University. (http://www.jadugoda.net )

The findings of these studies brought to light the health acute hazards of radiation among the local inhabitants. Apart from the serious problems of mining, there have been numerous problems with Nuclear waste disposal and Tailing pond leakages. Today these problems have become acute and need immediate intervention. After a long journey, today the movement wants to look into this issue in the rights discourse.We are looking for somebody with expertise and can provide this Adivasi movement their research abilities and campaign for “Right to health”. This would require living in the village interacting with Adivasi people and others and bringing a perspective on the issue and work in a way that would help the people and movement in the right path.

Expertise in Health sciences, nuclear sciences and Human rights would be appreciated.

further information please contact
tel no 094315 80434(jharkhand)
090101 78837
prakash.shri @ gmail.com
